Thursday, May 11, 2017

Dark Energy & Dark Matter - AST 113 Tyler Adams, Gabe Akalagwu, Braden Beck


  1. If dark matter is the opposite of what matter is and people are made of matter, then do you believe that there is a possibility that some people are made of dark matter and produce dark energy versus regular energy? Why or why not?

  2. Well dark matter isn't necessarily antimatter, but it is not baryonic (ordinary) matter. I don't believe a life form could be made of dark matter. The dark matter particles are so weakly interacting that forming together to compose a life form is highly unlikely. It does't interact with three of the four main forces needed. Although, without dark matter in our universe, life could never form.

  3. Scientist also are still trying to figure out the composition of dark matter and what it is made of. We have already determined what humans are compiled of and what elements we possess. Therefore it is not possible for us to contain dark matter.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What steps are being taken to learn more about dark matter/dark energy, today?

  6. Is dark energy the same as vacuum energy?

  7. Considering Albert Einstein's formula (E=mc^2), does dark matter imply there might be dark light?
